You simply have to get over it. Drawing and painting is more than just putting stuff in a canvas, it’s creating. Who cares what others are doing, you must do so for yourself. After all, you are your biggest critic! Is this not why you feel not good enough and overwhelmed?
The best way to get past this is unironically drawing a line. That’s it. Every day I want you to open your sketchbook, your notepad, mspaint if you draw digitally, etc. and I want you to draw a line. A simple line. Set yourself the goal to just draw a line, and if you don’t feel like it then after putting that line stop right there, but every day you must at least draw a line.
Get used to the idea of drawing and get used to the idea that it is natural, for a drawing is what you see through your eyes. I do not know how you see the world neither you know how I see it, we may both be looking at the same sunflower and you may focus on it’s petals while I focus more on the seeds. Simply put, you must draw what you see. Make it look good and genuine, put an actual effort into it. Forget lineart weight, forget perspective, forget values, color, shape, forget everything. All that matters is that you draw what you are looking. Then, when the time comes and if you are still discontent… You already may know how to draw the sunflower’s petals, but now you want another test and challenge, and thus you go in and look for other types of flowers. You go in and delve deeper into the knowledge of other flowers. And then you draw those flowers, that is how you grow your knowledge. You are right, there is so much information to learn but you don’t have to take it all at once.
Do not draw what others have drawn, but draw what you know and understand. Drawing is a completely natural thing and honestly speaking if you ask me, I believe that relying too much in standarized academic processes will make your drawing look too derivative from others. Understand what you are drawing, know your subject, not what other’s painted already. Draw an apple, not what someone else drew as an apple and told you how to draw an apple. Learn to dissect what makes an apple an apple. It is best to draw with the best reference possible and the best teacher; nature itself. Walk your own path, make your own way. Following another’s way will only leave you pursuing behind them forever. Do you understand? Stay curious